Awal Alhassan, known in Sound Engeneering as Possi Gee is arguably one of the notable Sound Engineers Ghana can boast of. With enormous production of songs from his MOB Studios, he is recommended when any Artiste wants a good Sound Engineer.
In an interview with Possible as he is affectionately called by his colleagues, enquired why the name Possi Gee? In the answer, the CEO of Awal’s Children of the Future Foundation revealed that, he is nick named Possible since his Secondary School days because he was a great inspirer to his colleagues whenever they were down spirited and sort to giving up.
He often advised them that “everything is Possible when you put your mind to it”. As he often used the word ‘Possible’ he was named as such. As a result, when he started his Sound Engineering career, he settled on that as his brand name.
He started his career in his bedroom and with Sarkodie, he mentioned. When Sarkodie was to mention him in songs he produced for him, he said “Possible the Gee”. That was quiet a long phrase considering timing on beats. As creativity demands, Sarkodie then coined a word from the phrase and started saying it in songs; Possi Gee.
Since then, Sarkodie mentioned him in songs as ‘Possi Gee’ and that has become a household name now. Regardless, some Artistes he works with still call him Possible. Recent example is Tiffany’s ‘Kae se’ which he produced. She mentioned him with his former name, ‘Possible’.
For those eager to know, this is the history of the name ‘Possi Gee’ and the father of that name.
Author: Nana Kwesi Coomson (