
As we strive to bring you the most exclusive news, we pull in high figures with respect to daily, weekly and overall average monthly viewers. This is however a good source of advertisement for you if you are running a business and want to reach a wider audience for your product.

Here are the banner ad sizes and their respective prices quoted as daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly.

1. Leaderboard ( dimension: 728 x 90 )

Position: top of pages or after end of article. Front page costs 10% extra
Price: daily (GHS 55)
weekly (GHS 350)
monthly (GHS 1200)
quarterly (GHS 2800)

2. medium rectangle ( dimension: 300 x 250 )

Position: within posts or on sidebar
Price: daily (GHS 35)
weekly (GHS 280)
monthly (GHS 650)
quarterly (GHS 1650)

3. Large rectangle ( dimension: 336 x 280 )

Position: within pages. Frontpage costs 5% extra
Price: daily (GHS 45)
weekly (GHS 310)
monthly (GHS 750)
quarterly (GHS 1880)

4. skyscrapper ( dimension: 160 x 600 or 120 x 600 )

Position: within the  sidebar
Price: daily (GHS 60)
weekly (GHS 400)
monthly (GHS 1200)
quarterly (GHS 3550)

5. wide skyscrapper ( dimension: 300 x 600 )

Position: sidebar
Price: daily (GHS 65)
weekly (GHS 4500)
monthly (GHS 1300)
quarterly (GHS 4000)

If you have any further questions, inquiries or suggestions, please contact the numbers below;

Nana Kwesi (+233248185848)


8 thoughts on “Advertise

  1. Hello. Do you accept sponsored posts? We are willing to pay and writing text by ourselves.The topics are relationship, lifestyle, travel. Can you name the price, please?
    Waiting for your answer.
    Sincerely yours, Aleksander

    1. 1. Leaderboard ( dimension: 728 x 90 )

      Position: top of page
      Price: daily (GH 5 cedis)
      weekly (GH 30 cedis)
      monthly (GH 130 cedis)
      3 months(GH 380 cedis)

      2. medium rectangle ( dimension: 300 x 250 )

      Position: within posts or on sidebar
      Price: daily (GH 4 cedis)
      weekly (GH 25 cedis)
      monthly (GH 100 cedis)
      3 months(GH 320 cedis)

      3. Large rectangle ( dimension: 336 x 280 )

      Position: within the frontpage
      Price: daily (GH 4 cedis)
      weekly (GH 28 cedis)
      monthly (GH 110 cedis)
      3 months(GH 330 cedis)

      4. skyscrapper ( dimension: 160 x 600 or 120 x 600 )

      Position: within the frontpage or on sidebar
      Price: daily (GH 5.5 cedis)
      weekly (GH 32 cedis)
      monthly (GH 140 cedis)
      3 months(GH 380 cedis)

      5. wide skyscrapper ( dimension: 300 x 600 )

      Position: sidebar or within the frontpage
      Price: daily (GH 6 cedis)
      weekly (GH 40 cedis)
      monthly (GH 150 cedis)
      3 months(GH 400 cedis)

  2. Hello, my name is Sarah. I’m looking for sites to publish articles of customers with links dofollow on their sites. Do you accept sponsored messages? Dating and family. I’m ready to pay. I await your answer. Have a nice day.

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