Refusing to be broke takes a lot of hard work, smartness, intelligence and how to be on top of technology and internet. In Ghana, Refuse to be broke, acronymed R2Bees is a popular clan which has it’s subsidiary in music with Paedae, Mugeez and Criss Waddle as forefronters.
Today on Facebook, the richest Ghanaian Artiste, Criss Waddle shared with the world who taught him how to make money and music. According to the Tema based Artiste, Paedae, CEO of R2Bees taught him all he knows now. In an appreciative text, Criss Waddle who calls Paedae his father wrote (unedited);
Once upon a time I was just walking aimlessly In community one and I met Paedae Da Pralem who through God shared with me how to make money and make music,this man actually even showed me how to read different meanings into things that people just see to be nothing,he actually thought me a lot more than My biological father ever thought me, I need all of u to help me thank him cus if it wasn’t for him,none of you would be reading this because I wouldn’t have been here in the first place….so when I say R2BEES TILL I DiE I just just say it but I mean with my last breath of ma life. ?#?r2bees4Life? ?#?AMGBUSiNESS?
Author: Nana Kwesi Coomson ( @nkcoomson on Twitter