PHOTOS: Prez. Mahama commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

President John Dramani Mahama will today commission the new Komenda Sugar Factory at Komenda in the Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem (KEEA) District of the Central Region.

This was made known by the Minister of Communications, Dr Edward Omane Boamah.

The Komenda Sugar factory was closed down years ago and in 2014, government partnered the private sector to revive it. The factory when commissioned will produce sugar both for domestic use and export.

Last week, the Site Manager in charge of the New Komenda Sugar Factory, Mr Srinivasa Rao, revealed that after sugar production the accumulated residue of the sugarcane would be used to generate three (3) megawatts (MW) of electricity.

According to him, two (2)megawatts would be used to power the factory and the remainder would be added to the National grid for the community and beyond. This is to ensure that the company gets constant supply of electricity when it starts operations from Monday.

…The end product after the production would be stored in a 4,000cubic meter molasses tank to be turned into alcohol, ethanol and industrial spirits to be utilized by hospitals and other companies…the factory has received raw materials for initial crushing and processing into quality sugar,” he disclosed.

His Excellency John Dramani Mahama during the Accounting to the People Tour in Central Region a couple of weeks ago, announced that the Company has decided that GHc60 will paid for a tonne of sugarcane in addition to a bonus of GHc10 per tonne at the factory gate.

Speaking in an interview on PEACE FM morning show‘Kokrokoo’, Monday, Dr Omane Boamah said the factory is going to create 7,300 jobs and save the country 300million dollars which is normally used to import sugar into the country.

Click the audio above to listen to Dr Edward Omane Boamah.

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory

Prez Mahama Commissions Komenda Sugar Factory


ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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