PHOTOS: Son of China’s richest man buys iPhone 7s for his dog

563669967_338492 349739787_348683Coco the Alaskan Malamute might be the most pampered pooch in the world.

The pet dog has apparently been given eight iPhone 7 handsets by his doted owner, the only son of China’s richest man Wang Jianlin, worth £23 billion, according to Chinese media.

Pictures have emerged on China’s social media showing the lucky canine posing next to a stack of eight boxes believed to contain a £800 phone in each.The pictures have been widely shared by Chinese media, including news sites and

The post has also gathered thousands of shares and comments.

Some people said the dog was cute while others hoped Wang Sicong could give them a free iPhone 7 too.

One Weibo user named ‘M mi jia’ said: ‘[The dog] is so cute.’

While another user called ‘wo shi lao duan zi’ said: ‘Does the dog plan to host a lucky draw?’

Some people were envious of the dog’s fortune, such as ‘Free liu te’ who said: ‘Coco is richer than me!’

‘Zha lao ban’ wasn’t impressed as the user commented: ‘I can’t even live as well as a dog.’

In China, an iPhone 7 costs 6,988 yuan (£803) while an iPhone 7 Plus costs 7,988 yuan (£918).
Sicong is a successful businessman and one of the richest entrepreneurs under the age 30 in China.

As the pet of Wang Sicong, Coco has some how become a celebrity in her own right in China as her owner calls her: ‘The dog princess of the people.’

Through her Weibo account, Sicong shows off the ostentatious lifestyle he has created for his dog with luxury products most animals can only dream of.

This is not the first time Coco has impressed the public with her cutting-edge gadgets.

In May 2015, the pooch was pictured wearing not one, but two £800 Apple Watches given to her by her generous owner.

The pet was also given a pink Fendi handbag by his owner in the same month.


Earlier this year, Sicong posted pictures of Coco posing with a wads of cash, which he claimed is her present on Valentine’s Day,

In April, the pampered pooch celebrated her second birthday with an extravagant birthday party and two cakes.

Her multi-millionaire owner spelt her name in balloons and tied them to his super car. On social media Coco was pictured tucking into her two cakes at her own birthday celebration.

As if all is not enough, Sicong opened an online shop to mark her birthday.

The new online shop, called Coco Wang, sells a line of doggie-inspired toys and accessories, from tote bags, flasks to mobile phone cases. All of them carry cartoon illustrations of the fluffy pet.

And when Coco goes on holiday, she travels in first-class style.

In last November, she rode on a private jet and was chauffeur driven to the luxury accommodation during a winter break.


The only son of mega-rich property tycoon Wang Jianlin, 61, Wang Sicong is the golden boy with the gentle manner, cut-glass English accent, who is the sole heir to his father’s fortune.

Wang Jianlin is worth a whopping $30 billion (£23 billion), according to Forbes.

As China’s most eligible bachelor, Sicong is the darling of China’s tabloids due to his enviable lifestyle and rarely pictured with a beautiful model on his arm.

Like most privileged children of China’s mega-wealthy, he was educated abroad – first at a primary school in Singapore and then to £30,000 a year Winchester College – one of England’s top public schools – and on to University College London where he studied philosophy.

Back in China, in 2009 he was handed a gilded position in the Dalian Wanda conglomerate by his father – and £53 million to start his own business.

‘I told him I would allow him to fail twice. If he fails for the third time, he would have to come back and work in my company earnestly,’ his father told China Central Television (CCTV).

He set up Pusi Capital, a private equity firm based in capital city Beijing, to invest in projects and companies he likes.

His private equity firm has invested in 22 companies in the past seven years, from online gaming firms to film-making studios to Korean restaurants.

They help Sicong grow his portfolio of fortune eight times – from £53 million to £430 million – in the past six years, as revealed by Hurun Rich List, which tracks the fortune of wealthy Chinese businessmen.


ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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