Gay Doctor Sulley Ali Gabass lectures in prison

40006970Incarcerated gay man Dr. Ali Gabass appears to have  found himself a new job while he serves his time in prison at Nsawam.

Dr. Gabass is imparting his knowledge in the sciences to his fellow inmates at the Nsawam Prisons by teaching JHS and  SHS students.

The medical doctor was spotted last Friday at the newly built JHS block at the Nsawam Prison busily teaching inmates who have enrolled in the prisons school,  as the Chief Justice Georgina Theodora Wood and other officials of the judiciary visited the prison for the Justice for all program.

He intimated to Starr News that he feels fulfilled in  his newly found love in teaching and sharing knowledge with fellow inmates.

The prison education program was introduced in 2007, and got underway in 2008 under the sponsorship of the United Nations Development Programme and the Presidential Initiative on Distance Learning.

The first batch of 12 Junior High School candidates wrote their BECE exams in April, 2010. Literacy program for inmates is high on the agenda of the service. Non-formal education for inmates also began at Ankaful in 2007, with training of facilitators and materials provided by the Non-Formal Education Division of the Ministry of Education. The prison service is targeting the introduction of a comprehensive educational Programme for all Prison inmates in the whole of the country.

Background to Dr. Gabass’s Story

Dr. Gabass was jailed after it was established that he had a homosexual relationship with a minor.

According to the facts of the case involving Dr Gabass, the victim in question was a student residing at Kasoa, while Ali-Gabass is a medical practitioner at the Effia Nkwanta Regional Hospital.

In September 2013, the victim encountered Ali-Gabass on Facebook and they became friends. They exchanged ideas online and communicated by phone for a while until October 2013 when Ali-Gabass arranged and met the victim at the Kasoa New Market area where he forcibly had anal sex with the boy in his car.

The prosecution said about 7 p.m. on December 28, 2013, the two met again at the same venue where Ali-Gabass had anal sex with the victim, after which he offered him a Samsung Galaxy mobile phone and GH¢20. After the second sexual act, it said the victim became ill and Ali-Gabass allegedly prescribed paracetamol tablets for him. According to the prosecution, the act was repeated at the same venue in February 2014. It said in March and April 2014, Dr Ali-Gabass lured the victim to his house at Alajo in Accra where he had another bout of anal sex with him.

The judge said a lot of things pointed to the guilt of the accused person, observing that it was ironical that the accused person, who claimed he was a mentor of the victim, never met the parents of the boy at Kasoa, an area which was close to their meeting point, but took the victim to meet his (Ali-Gabass’s) mother at Alajo in Accra.

That aside, a mobile phone he bought for the victim, the numerous meetings under cover of darkness with the boy at Kasoa in a tainted-glass vehicle, with the victim giving detailed description of their sexual escapades, as well as various sums of money he gave out for medical care for the victim, all pointed to the fact that the accused, indeed, had anal sex with the boy, the judge contended.

Making reference to a judicial comment by Mr Justice Jones Dotse, a Supreme Court judge, Mrs Agyeman Budu said: “There is no doubt that as a nation, apart from narcotics, which is a menace, armed robbery, rape and defilement cases are on the increase. It, therefore, leaves no one in doubt that there is the need for a conserted effort to remove and destroy this dangerous canker of rape and defilement from our society.

“The moral decadence into which the country has sunk makes it imperative for all and sundry, especially the law enforcement agencies like the courts, to be at the vanguard of this crusade.”

Mrs Agyeman Budu said contrary to an attempt by the defence team to show that the school files and medical reports which were used by the prosecution to establish the age of the victim were not adequate, there was enough evidence to prove that the victim was below 16 years at the time the incident happened.


-starr FM

ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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