PHOTOS: Kufuor, Otumfuo in UK for freemasons meeting

Former president John Agyekum Kufuor and Asantehene, Otumfuo Osei Tutu II have attended a meeting by Grand Masters of the Freemasons in the United Kingdom.

Kufuor was recently appointed by the United Grand Lodge of England Grand Master, Prince Edward, the Duke of Kent, who is the longest serving Grand Master.

Kufuor is no stranger to such distinguished honors having previously been honored as a Knight Commander of the Order of Bath of the UK by Queen Elizabeth II and the highest award of the Order of the House of Orange by Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, among other international honors.

The two dignitaries went to the meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

Freemasonry is one of the world’s oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organizations.

Its roots lie in the traditions and ceremonies of the medieval stonemasons who built our cathedrals and castles. Some rituals are still celebrated today.

Freemasonry has always been about making good men better. Individuals aim to shape their lives round five core principles according to the official website of the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE).

ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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