Tigo and Airtel are one

Tigo and Airtel will operate under the name AirtelTigo after their merger was approved by the National Communication Authority.

The merger of the two telecommunication firms makes them the second largest telecom firm, in the country boasting 22% percent of the market share.

AirtelTigo Chief Executive Officer Roshi Motman introduced the new executive members of the firm to workers after the rebranding.

“He joins us from Airtel Indian, please help me welcome Mufti Shaban as the new Chief Operating Officer, From Airtel Ghana, please help me welcome Kwame Annor who will take care of the human resource in the company. Bright Owusu Bempah will bring the money, let’s welcome him.”

Motman acknowledged their new status and the invaluable role it comes with, “As you can see, we are now bigger, better and stronger with 22 percent market share. It means that we will play an important part in the industry and serve our customers with quality and better service.”

Some officials are exiting the company as the merger has led to new strategic methods of operation.  Airtel’s MD, Lucy Quist resigned from the company some months.


By Francis Amuzu

ABOUT: Ellsamwise King


A Civil/Structural Engineer & Freelance Blogger, Journalist, Social Media Mogul, Digital Marketer, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist. CEO of Skyline Consortium & 9189 Media Consult and Co-Founder of Team Sarkodie. An alumnus of Prempeh College where he read General Science. He holds a first degree in Bachelor of Science from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. His mentors are Alvar Alto, Rupert Murdoch, Piers Mogan, Mensa Otabil, Bernard ElBernard Nelson-Eshun. Blogs for; http://www.233times.com | www.paemuka.com | http://www.playmusicgh.com | http://www.muzikiq.com | http://www.brandsaid.biz . Social Media Manager for Eon3 Group | BrandsAid | Kings Crown Media | Carabao Africa Ghana & Africa | Calvary Temple - ICGC | Team Sarkodie | Muzik IQ | Kwaw Kese Please inquire more via Email: mccamuel88@yahoo.com | mccamuel87@gmail.com Instagram & Twitter: @wise_tskd Facebook: Ell Samwise LinkedIn: EllSamwise King Dogbe

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