Takoradi: Anaji Estate Key JHS Maths Teacher allegedly defiles 14-yr-old Student

A Mathematics Teacher with the Anaji Estate Junior High School (JHS) in Effia Kwesimintsim Municipal Assembly in the Western Region whose name is given as Joseph Andoh has allegedly defiled a 14 year old final year JHS Student of the School.

According to some family members of the defiled Student who spoke to www.233times.net on the basis of anonymity, the Teacher confirmed the act and further said that he had only had sexual intercourse with her three times.

The family member told www.233times.net that “For some time now, our daughter has been very timid, she refuses to eat her favourite fufu and banku and gives the excuse that she throws up anytime she eats those meals. That was very unusual of her so we started investigating what was really wrong because it was not just about eating but she is always absent minded anytime she is home. It was obvious that there was a problem somewhere.”

“Anytime we asked her to buy something for the house, she will return after hours. She closes from school and comes home late so we started calling the school to ask what exactly is happening but anytime we call the school we are informed that she has left the school long ago” the family member told www.233times.net.

The guardian of the defiled girl who was perturbed by the sudden inactiveness of her ward began to search her bags where she found a diary with all the details of what is happening in her life. In the diary, this act started since October 12, 2016.

According to the girl who had chronicled every event with the Teacher in a diary, she was told by the Teacher that he would help her to better her mathematics so she should come for classes in his house.

This opened the flood gate for sexual advancements of the Teacher who according to this event dated 1st February, 2018 and titled ‘angry time’ in the diary which is in possession of www.233times.net “you call me on Saturday but you don’t teach me anything just kissing and having fun, that is not good. I always want you to teach me maths and science but you always think about kissing and having fun with you that’s all.”

The girl further writes in the diary “I know that one day God will provide me a teacher for me, because you said you love me but when it comes to education, you don’t help me that makes me fall sad every day when I’m sitting with you.”

In the diary, the defiled girl writes that she suspects her friend is dating the teacher because she has added Andoh to her names and she has a beads with Andoh on it. “Why is it that May (alias for the purpose of anonymity) has written her name like this May Andoh and she has a beads on her bag written in it?” the girl quizzed in the diary.

The Teacher who has confirmed the act to the guardians of the girl and has agreed to bear the cost of all the hospital bills because according to the guardians, they found an unusual discharge from the vagina of the girl. The guardians who took the girl to a private hospital in Takoradi confirmed to www.233times.net that Hepatitis B, HIV and other tests which were done at the hospital were all negative.

Speaking to the Headmistress of the School Madam Adelaide Osei Newton, she confirmed that the case has come to her office and she has referred it to the Municipal Education Director who is just assuming office. The angry Madam Newton who is having sleepless nights because of this incidence has spoken to both the teacher and the students who have confirmed to her that it has indeed happened.

Madam Newton has as well referred the case to Nana Kofi Imbeah, a retired Metro Director of Education who contacted families of the culprit and victim. According to Nana Kofi Imbeah, both families have agreed to an alternative dispute resolution due to the emotional trauma that this case might bring to the girl who is writing Basic Education Certificate Examination in about four months’ time.

Father of the girl who also spoke to www.233times.net confirmed that due to the trauma that this issue might bring to the girl, they have agreed to resolve it amongst the families.

The guardians of the girl demanded a GHc5,000 compensation but the culprit’s family had asked for a reduction to GHc3,000 of which GHc1,000 has already been paid and all hospital expenses paid by the culprit, www.233times.net learnt.

The school is yet to report to this case to the Domestic Violence and Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) and the Police.

According to the Criminal Offences Act 1960 (Act 29), Section – 101 – Defilement of Child Under 16 Years of Age

(1) For purposes of this Act defilement is the natural or unnatural carnal knowledge of any child under sixteen years of age.

(2) Whoever naturally or unnaturally carnally knows any child under sixteen years of age, whether with or without his or her consent commits an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term of not less than seven years and not more than twenty-five years.


Author: Nana Kwesi Coomson (www.233times.net) @nkcoomson on Twitter/Instagram

ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson


An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of www.233times.com. A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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