Commercial Drivers in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis have threatened to embark on strike action on Tuesday 30th June, 2020 over lorry fares.
The Commercial Drivers who spoke to mentioned that the social distancing directive by government compelled them to load three passengers instead of four but there is no consideration of increase in their fares as other Commercial Drivers in the Metropolis who ply long-haul routes have increased their fares.
The Drivers add that their car owners expect them to account for same amount of daily sales prior to the social distancing directive which is making it difficult to attain with the same amount charged three passengers instead of four.
It is on this note that the commercial drivers in the Metropolis have decided to embark on strike action to send a strong signal across.
More soon…
Author: Nana Kwesi Coomson ( @nkcoomson on Twitter/Instagram