Prez Mahama’s State of the Nation Address (In Full)

Pres John Dramani Mahama
Pres John Dramani Mahama

Rt. Hon. Speaker of Parliament
Vice President Kwesi Bekoe Amissah-Arthur
Her Ladyship the Chief Justice
Honourable Members of Parliament
My presence here this morning is in fulfillment of Article 67 of Ghana’s Constitution which
requires the President of the Republic of Ghana to deliver to Parliament a message on the State
of the Nation at the beginning of each session of Parliament.
Mr. Speaker, permit me, to start by extending on behalf of Ghanaians, congratulations to all our
Members of Parliament. In particular, I wish to acknowledge our newest Members of Parliament
and extend to all of them a warm welcome of partnership in shaping the destiny of our beloved
country. As the elected President of this dear country, I wish to express my personal gratitude to
all Ghanaians for the trust and confidence entrusted in me. I am fully conscious of the
expectations of our people and I pledge to work with a sense of urgency and remain sincere and
truthful at all times.
As I stated on January 7 when I took the oath of office, I promised, that as president of this
nation, “I will work hard to place us on the right path, and I will lead us over the hurdles and past
the obstacles that might threaten to keep us from meeting our goals.”
Mr Speaker, Ghana is a different place now from what it was when we began the journey
towards democratic governance. We have come a long way since 1993 when the first President
of the 4
Republic, Jerry John Rawlings, delivered the first State of the Nation Address under the
Republican Constitution. Ghana’s democratic credentials were further consolidated with the
election of John Agyekum Kufuor and later Professor John Evans Atta Mills of blessed memory.
Mr Speaker, our recent Presidential and Parliamentary elections have been adjudged by both
domestic and international observers as by far the most credible, transparent, free and fair since
1992. This shows that each step of our democratic journey has been marked by improvements. As
Ghanaians, we must be proud of this achievement.
Mr Speaker, the Electoral Commission must take much of the credit for this feat; since our return
to constitutional rule in 1992 the EC has organized six successful elections. They have conferred
victory where victory was due without fear or favour in the critical periods of 2000, 2008 and
2012. Our Electoral Commission has earned, in the process, an enviable reputation as arguably
one of the best electoral institutions on the African continent.
Mr. Speaker, I entered public service out of a genuine desire to help make a difference in the lives
of our people. My vision for this country is to create a conducive national environment in which
our children grow happily into responsible adults; where workers are proud to work and defend
our national values; where improved maternal health reduces the hazards of childbearing; where
teachers use their influence to positively mould the next generation; a Ghana in which we all
create and share in the benefits.
Mr Speaker, I believe that as a country we can achieve more by working together. Togetherness
will enhance our capacity to meet our urgent needs; while promoting excellence and rewarding
achievement. Ghana has witnessed impressive development in the last two decades. There have
been improvements in roads and social infrastructure across the length and breadth of this
country. Health facilities have been expanded and access improved, and so have educational 3
institutions with the private sector playing a pivotal role. In many respects, Ghana has witnessed
many positive changes for which we must all be proud.
Real challenges however remain even as we have made these advances. As a developing middleincome country, there is still a lot more to be done to further reduce poverty, expand
infrastructure and provide more social services for our people. These challenges are formidable,
but they are insurmountable.
Mr. Speaker, this administration will pursue rapid economic development with a sense of urgency
in order to create new jobs particularly for our youth. In partnership with the private sector, we
will expand our infrastructure in a manner that will accelerate economic growth.
We will embark on an ambitious but realistic programme of building new roads and bridges;
expand electricity generation to energize our economy; increase access to good drinking water
and quality healthcare for our growing population; and improve sanitation and human security
for all. We aim to transform our schools, colleges and universities to meet the demands of a new
age with emphasis on technology and innovation.
Mr. Speaker, a well-designed and efficient public sector working in partnership with the private
sector will be instrumental in our objective to deliver a prosperous nation.
Over the next four years, we will build an economy that rewards hard work and nurtures
Ghanaian entrepreneurs and businesses whose prospects will not be tied to political cycles and
patronage. As President, I am firmly focused on these goals, because these are the right things to
Mr. Speaker, In my first term as President, I will focus on delivering on the following, which
constitute the vital pillars underpinning our national development programme.
1. Putting the People First
2. A Strong and Resilient Economy
3. Expanding Infrastructure
4. Transparent and Accountable Governance
Mr. Speaker, as a Social Democratic Party, we put people first. We believe that our people are our
most treasured asset and this is what informs our social development agenda. The thrust of our
social policy and human development programme revolves around education, healthcare, social
security and protection for the vulnerable– women, children, the aged and people with
disabilities. We will focus on and emphasize the productive and reproductive capabilities of these
social groupings, while ensuring at the same time that the most vulnerable in our society are
effectively protected.
Mr. Speaker, our people need decent and sustainable jobs to lead meaningful lives. Job creation
and gainful employment therefore will be at the core of my priorities. I am determined to expand
opportunities for all. Our policies and initiatives will be geared towards facilitating sustainable
employment generation, which will then facilitate economic growth and enhanced incomes.
I have directed the Ministry of Employment and Labour Relations to work with the Ghana
Statistical Service to produce quarterly labour surveys to inform policy and planning. These
surveys will create an accurate database of the unemployed among all categories of Ghanaian
society and track these on a quarterly basis. It will also ensure that new jobs are accurately 4
recorded and tracked while making it possible to coordinate the various job-creation and
employment initiatives.
Mr. Speaker, our quest to build an equitable society in which the productive capacities of our
people are tapped for national development will come to naught if we do not give our children
sound, meaningful and relevant education. This is even more imperative in today’s knowledgebased economy. Any nation whose people do not have the required level of education will be left
behind. Towards this end we will:
• Prioritize and expand access at all levels;
• Aggressively address quality enhancement and outcomes at all levels by putting in place
measures to monitor quality of educational service delivery especially teaching and
learning at all levels of our educational system;
• Reward outstanding educational service providers to boost morale in the sector; and
• Work to improve gender parity in education.
• Encourage community participation in management of schools
• Work towards standardization and affordability in fees.
Mr. Speaker, I extend a hand of partnership to our social partners- the religious bodies with longstanding roles in the provision of educational services and private sector operators of
educational services- to engage in this national reconstruction exercise for expanding access and
improving quality of education in Ghana.
Mr. Speaker, with specific reference to basic education, we will ensure that every child gets a
head start by working to effectively and practically integrate kindergarten education into the
existing system. To this end, District Assemblies will be required to incrementally build new
structures in all existing public schools to serve the needs of kindergarten education. We shall
expand training of kindergarten teachers to ensure that our children all over the country acquire
basic numeracy and literacy skills before they start primary education.
It is also the objective of this government, to eliminate the remaining schools under trees by the
end of 2016. We intend to enforce compulsory basic school attendance and deepen pro-poor
interventions like the distribution of free school uniforms, free exercise books and free
computers. The school-feeding programme will be progressively expanded to all public basic
schools in rural communities to satisfy the basic nutritional needs of the pupils. Mr. Speaker, we
are committed to tackling the greatest challenges facing education at the secondary level in our
country. Paramount among these is a lack of access occasioned by inadequate space and facilities
for the large number of qualified Junior High School graduates.
To address the limitations imposed on access to secondary education we will, over the next four
years, construct a total of two hundred new community day Senior High schools, giving priority
to Districts, which currently lack such schools. Mr. Speaker, this level of aggressive expansion
and improved access to secondary education also means the need for more qualified and wellmotivated teachers, as well as administrative staff. In the next few months, government will:
• Roll out a special sandwich teacher educational training programme targeted at our
unemployed graduates, in preparation for the full implementation of our access to
secondary education programme.
• Lead a process to modernise and increase the number of colleges of education with
special emphasis on deprived areas and communities.
• Design and implement a distance education programme for teachers with ten
decentralized satellite campuses across the country, taking full advantage of 5
contemporary information and communication technology platforms that will allow
electronically-shared access to instructional and curriculum resources by these students
and staff in these colleges.
• In the area of Special Education, government will facilitate the completion of ongoing
construction of Assessment Centres and equip our special education units with the
necessary teaching and learning aids including devices for the hearing and visually
impaired. In doing this we intend to emphasize inclusive education by ensuring that our
children with special needs are fully integrated into our society through the educational
Government will provide incentives for special educators and ensure our children-withspecial-needs benefit from the advantages of modern technology.
Mr. Speaker, this year we will initiate a Bill for Parliamentary consideration towards the
establishment of a new University in the Eastern Region, committed to Sustainable
Environmental Development and Research. In addition we will begin the road map for converting
our existing 10 public polytechnics into fully fledged technical universities.
Mr. Speaker, the relevance of improved health services cannot be over emphasized. It augments
investment in all sectors. A sick population cannot generate the productivity needed to maintain
the acceleration of our economy.
Presently, our healthcare system still has personnel deficits and service deficiencies despite the
facility expansion and human capacity development programmes we have been implementing. In
the next four years, we will work towards improving access, service quality, increased personnel,
enhanced working conditions across the various professions in the health sector.
In furtherance of our plan we will undertake the following:
1. Construction of an ultra-modern, new Teaching Hospital for the University of Ghana
Medical School.
2. Start the processes for the establishment of Regional hospitals in the Eastern and Upper
East Regions. We will continue work on the Regional hospital project in Wa in the Upper
West Region.
3. Upgrade the Central and Volta regional hospitals into teaching hospitals to expand the
scope for training medical doctors and other healthcare specialists.
4. Commence work on 12 new District Hospitals at Dodowa, Abetifi, Fomena, Garu,
Kumawu, Sekondi, Salaga, Tepa, Wenchi, Madina. The refurbishment of the Takoradi
European hospital will commence in earnest.
5. Commence work on a new hospital in Kumasi to decongest the KATH
6. Initiate work on phase one of the Specialist Emergency Centre at Korle-Bu Teaching
7. Establish an additional 1,600 CHIPS compounds across the country by the end of 2016.
This will be consistent with our record over the last four years. 6
Mr. Speaker, in addition, we will initiate the necessary processes towards the construction of
Polyclinics especially in the Districts as well as regions that currently lack such health facilities. In
embarking on this journey of expanding access, we will also begin to explore new modalities of
public-private-partnerships in Health investment, in a manner that brings new investment,
expertise and technology into the health sector, providing citizens a variety of options of where
they access their health services.
Mr. Speaker, there is an ongoing review of the operations of the NHIS. Our goal is to ensure a
more efficient, expanded and sustainable delivery. We will work to reduce cost and eliminate
fraud in the system. New improved claims processing centres will be set up, and improved IT
systems put in place to enhance service and create a better platform for monitoring the scheme.
Government has taken note of the last review workshop held and will present the
recommendations especially in respect to sustainable financing of the scheme to cabinet for
consideration. We will pursue the implementation of the Mental Health Act in order to
mainstream psychiatric treatment and care for our population for our population.
Mr. Speaker, with regards to the deficit in health personnel, we will consolidate the gains made
in the training of health care professionals through the establishment of the University of Allied
and Health Sciences by;
• Transforming the Kintampo Rural Health Training Institute into a University College to
support the training of Physician Assistants for our ambulance and emergency services as
well as the training and deployment of clinical psychologists and environmental Health
• Scaling up the training of midwives and nurses and allied health workers to fill the gap
created by ageing health professionals.
Mr. Speaker, Ghana has made significant progress towards achieving Universal Access to HIV
prevention, treatment, care and support services through the implementation of a National HIV
& AIDS Strategic Plan. HIV prevalence has stabilized at 1.5 percent with over 25 percent decline in
new infections among the youth. In 2011, Government committed GH¢150 Million to support the
implementation of the new five (5) year strategic Plan. This was in addition to government’s
support for prevention & treatment services. With this plan we intend to achieve virtual
elimination of mother to child transmission and cut the rate of new infections by half.
This year, our National Response to HIV will require GH¢180 Million to continue with effective
implementation of the Strategic Plan. This funding will enable the Ghana AIDS Commission enrol
over 220,000 Persons Living with HIV on the National Health Insurance Scheme Free of Charge.
Some additional 15,000 will be initiated on Anti-Retroviral Therapy. Most importantly, over
625,000 expectant mothers will be tested for HIV.
Mr. Speaker, as we forge ahead in social development and economic transformation, it is
important to be mindful of segments of our society who, for reasons of social, cultural or
economic circumstances become vulnerable and marginalized. It is for this reason we have
created the new Ministry for Gender, Children and Social Protection. The Ministry is to coordinate
and implement the numerous Government social intervention programmes aimed at the poor
and disadvantaged in society. Let me say again for emphasis, that the mandate of this ministry is
not to promote gay rights as some segments of society have sought to portray.
We have also taken stock of all the existing social intervention programmes, and relocated them
directly under the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection. This will enable us develop 7
a more efficient targeting mechanism and eliminate duplication and manipulation of the existing
fragmented programmes.
The new Ministry will have oversight of the Disability Council and will take steps to integrate fully
our challenged brothers and sisters in the mainstream of national life. We have shown a
commitment to this by appointing Dr. Dana as a Minister of State. I have asked the Secretary to
the Cabinet and the Chief of Staff to take note of any special needs he might have in order to
allow him fully function in his role as Minister.
The Ministry will establish a database of the poorest households or individuals in our society and
fashion programmes to enhance their access to social services. This Ministry is at the heart of our
being as social democrats. The fruits of economic growth shall be equitably shared for the
benefit of our population. We cannot advance as a nation, half poor, and half rich. Our Minister
assigned to GCSP is experienced and capable and I am sure that many will soon see the results of
her expertise in that sector.
Mr. Speaker, let me now turn my attention to an area that has often proven to be one of the
greatest unifiers of our people, sports. A few weeks ago we had to endure the painful experience
of missing out on our much-cherished dream of winning a fifth African Cup of Nations title.
Our Black Stars exited the just ended AFCON competition at the semi-final stage through the
lottery of penalty. I recall how barely a year ago, our beloved late President Mills standing before
this august house in his last sessional address, urged our football authorities to take seriously the
issue of penalty taking by our teams as it has often been our nemesis in major competitions.
What many appreciated as a humorous comment turned out to be prophetic as the same
problem came to haunt us at the just ended AFCON competition.
Mr. Speaker, I hope that upon their return from South Africa, the handlers of our National Team
have begun undertaking the necessary post mortem in order to ensure our qualification for the
World Cup in Brazil next year. I request the FA and the management of the Stars to go back to
the drawing board immediately and commence the building of a more formidable team that will
not only qualify for the World cup but will surpass the achievements of their predecessors in
previous World Cups. Another major tournament we need to prepare for is the Olympic games in
Mr. Speaker, we are mindful of the fact that poor planning and a lack of adequate preparation
can derail our efforts to qualify for and participate effectively in these and other competitions.
We will roll out a number of policies to unearth and develop sporting talents to feed our various
National teams. These will include:
• Provision of incentives for MMDAs to establish at least one well-resourced sports and
athletic infrastructure in districts.
• Re-invigoration of the traditional inter-school and colleges sports competition programs
• Reserve some admissions to Senior High Schools for talented sports and other creative
students among other interventions
• Completions of the Cape Coast Stadium as promised by our late President John Evans
Atta Mills
• Restructuring and re-orientation of the National Sports Authority to enhance its
efficiency and effectiveness in the discharge of its mandate
• Development of the lesser known sporting disciplines among others. 8
Mr. Speaker, I stated in my address to the UN General Assembly last year that the youth are
today’s leaders and not future leaders. In order to enable our youth realise their full potential and
contribute to National development, we have fashioned out comprehensive programmes
including but not limited to:
• A GH¢10 million Youth Jobs and Enterprise Development Fund which will be launched to
encourage and support young people to become successful entrepreneurs and create
sustainable job opportunities
• Job and Enterprise Centres (JEC) will be established in all regions to help unemployed
youth and those about to enter or prepare for the world of work.
• Develop Youth Centres in Districts to facilitate youth meetings, interactions, cultural
programs, conferences and inputs into District Assemblies’ deliberative mechanisms
• Continue with the National Youth Achievers Awards, which I introduced last year to
institute and encourage Young Achievers.
• Revamp all the Youth Leadership Training Institutes and utilize them for year round
training of youth in leadership, civics, patriotism and other nation building curricula
Mr. Speaker, the Savannah Accelerated Development Authority (SADA) has agriculture as a key
part of its agenda. In the spirit of Public-Private Partnership, SADA has facilitated partnerships to
establish three agro processing factories- a sheanut processing factory at Buipe, a rice mill at
Nyankpala near Tamale and a vegetable oil mill at Tamale. The Produce Buying Company is
currently raising the capital to begin sheanut purchases to feed the factory.
Mr. Speaker, this will benefit tens of thousands of poor women in the savannah zone of this
country. Outgrowers are being registered to meet the requirements of these factories. In 2011,
SADA supported 6,000 farming families Last year SADA registered and supported another 16,000
farmers this year with farm inputs, including fertilizers, improved seeds and tractor services for
land preparation services. SADA through its greening the Northern Savannah ecological zone
agenda, has partnered with a private sector group to grow and nurture 5 million trees in the next
12 months. This is providing 5000 jobs across the North.
Mr. Speaker, based on the example of SADA, I directed a team in my office and the NDPC to work
closely with the two Regional Coordinating Councils and relevant stakeholders towards
establishing the Western Corridor Development Authority, comprising Western and Central
regions. The implementation framework for the Authority is currently under development.
Mr. Speaker, the Social agenda outlined above informs our economic policy which I would like to
touch upon at this juncture.
Mr. Speaker, the economy of Ghana has over a period of more than two decades consistently
witnessed a positive growth rate. This back-to-back growth registered from 1986 culminated in
the attainment of lower middle-income status in the year 2010. This positive performance was
taken to a whole new level in the year 2011 when our country registered what is believed to be
probably the highest growth rate in the world- a whopping 14.4 percent growth in GDP. Since
then our country has maintained its ranking among the 10 fastest growing economies in the
My vision in this first term of my presidency is to work to sustain economic growth rates at a
minimum of eight percent in line with our goal of moving our country from a lower middleincome status to the full middle-income bracket. This we must do as we strive to achieve our set
social objectives. 9
In the area of macro-economic stability, we have made significant progress. Inflation that for so
long had been in double digits, has for the first time in our history remained within single digit for
over thirty long months. Apart from the first half of 2012, when the cedi experienced serious
pressures resulting from a huge balance of trade deficit, the currency has continued to enjoy
relative stability.
This relative stability has been boosted by the relatively strong foreign reserves of the country
that have increased significantly from about $2billion at the beginning of 2009 to the current
$5.5billion. The banking sector that in 2009 experienced relatively high non-performing loan
ratios has seen a marked improvement in its NPL ratio and has seen increased profitability and
assets growth.
Mr. Speaker, these macro-economic improvements and the sustained strong economic growth
rates we have recorded, have made Ghana a very attractive destination for portfolio and foreign
direct investment- a factor which is critical in our quest to rapidly diversify and transform our
economy and reduce our vulnerability to external shocks.
Mr. Speaker, the challenge facing us now is a misalignment of the expenditure categories in the
Budget namely, emoluments (i.e., wages, salaries and allowances), goods and services (including
debt service), and investment or capital expenditure. This is attributable to the following critical
factors. It is important to appreciate the fact that the personnel emoluments portion of the
Budget has more than tripled in the last three years, from GH¢2.5 billion to about GH¢8 billion
this year. This has been mainly due to the Single Spine Salary Scheme (SSSS). We now spend a
staggering 60.9 percent of our entire national revenue to pay public sector salaries.
Mr. Speaker, this is almost double the globally accepted prudent level of between 30 to 35
percent. While we remain committed to boosting the morale of public sector workers of Ghana,
whose incomes were low compared to their counterparts in the private sector. It is in that spirit
that we undertook the salary rationalization with a view to enhancing fairness, productivity and
motivation in the public sector. We now face the challenge of ensuring that the effect of the
public sector pay reform does not constitute an unsustainable burden on public finances and on
macro-economic stability.
Mr. Speaker, the rate of growth of the wage bill has reached a point where they are squeezing
out critical investments in the budgetary allocation of goods and services and capital
expenditures. Unless we tackle this issue decisively, we may soon reach a point where not much
will be left to provide the much-needed roads, bridges, ports, schools, clinics and water
infrastructure we need to develop our economy.
This issue is even more significant because as we struggle to settle the wage bill, thousands of
public workers continue to make demands for wage increases and threaten work stoppage if we
do not meet these demands.
Mr. Speaker, the meat is now down to the bones, and it is time for serious rethinking about the
level of wages in relation to our national competiveness and the related productivity issues. It is
said “to whom much is given, much is expected.” The people of Ghana demand better service
from our public sector employees commensurate to the investment made in their remuneration.10
Mr. Speaker, another factor that led to the large deficit was the significant shortfalls in corporate
income taxes from the petroleum sector because of low volumes of crude oil exports.
In addition, there were expenditure overruns arising from borrowing to pay off large arrears and
major capital projects, notably the roads projects that we now categorize as the “gang of four”
later adjusted to six. Happily many of these roads are in advance stage of completion.
Mr. Speaker, we are taking the difficult but necessary measures to address the serious problems
of misalignment. The National Petroleum Authority recently announced adjustments in the prices
of petroleum products to realign the distortions in the pricing of petroleum products. These
distortions had resulted in a situation where Government had to shell out about GHC150 million
to the Bulk Distribution Companies (BDCs) to compensate them for losses sustained in the supply
of petroleum products. The net effect was also that because of the wide disparity in price
between us and our neighbours, many unscrupulous people found a new occupation in
smuggling the products across our borders for sale.
Our primary concern for the poor and vulnerable has necessitated a widening of mitigation
measures, such as the introduction of solar lanterns, expansion of life-line threshold on energy
for poor households and deepening social protection initiatives to cover a wider net of poor
households to cushion them from the effects of these price increases.
On the other hand we are introducing measures to curtail Government’s expenditure on fuel. We
would rationalize the use of government vehicles and fuel in the next few weeks. I have given the
Chief of Staff appropriate directives on this matter. We will discuss with auto companies a
scheme to enable Senior Public servants to buy on hire purchase their own vehicles and curtail
the reliance on the use of State vehicles.
Mr. Speaker, we are also taking strict measures to curtail MDAs spending beyond their budgetary
allocations and new mechanisms of strict monitoring will be announced by the Minister of
Finance in the 2013 budget.
The Ghana Revenue Authority and other agencies have been tasked to help raise tax and non-tax
revenues to levels that benefit our emerging Lower Middle-Income Country status. We will plug
the leakages and raise Ghana’s ratio of revenue to GDP from the current meager 16% to above
20%. Comparative levels with other lower middle income countries are Kenya 24% and Senegal
Mr. Speaker, while we take these difficult measures, our engagement with Development
Partners (DPs) through the Consultative Group (CG) process has focused on how to manage the
transition to an upper middle-income status in an orderly manner to balance the need for growth
with our obligations of reducing poverty and significantly meeting targets set in Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
Mr. Speaker, partnership with the private sector has brought about accelerated growth and
development of the economy. Ghana improved from the 92
position in 2009 to the 63
in 2012
on the World Bank’s “Ease of Doing Business Index”.
This progress has to be improved during the transition to Middle-Income status and we are in the
process of transforming the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC) to meet the challenges
of the 21
Century Investor.11
Mr. Speaker, the government has taken a decisive step to locate private sector coordination
under the Office of the President, and designated a Minister of State in the Presidency to
coordinate and supervise Private-sector initiatives. In this effort, government will play a
facilitative role for private sector development.
I have already inaugurated the Private Sector Advisory Council under my chairmanship, and
decisive steps are underway to deepen the implementation of the Private Sector Development
Strategy (PSDS) II, covering all major aspects of private sector development.
We will use Government’s significant procurement power to benefit the Ghanaian Private Sector.
As a policy, I am requesting public officials to give priority to the Ghanaian private sector in goods
and services where they are competitive in value, quality and delivery.
Mr. Speaker, all of our accelerated development efforts have been geared towards giving special
advantage to accelerated agricultural and aquaculture development through Modernization.
The process of modernization, involving the use of improved seed varieties, greater access to
tractor services and training of peasant and small holder farmers on productivity enhancements,
has resulted in dramatic increases in maize, rice and cassava production in the last four years.
These will be expanded with an additional 2,000 tractors, improved seed support and fertilizer
subsidies, especially for the poorest farmers.
Total land under irrigation throughout the country will be substantially increased as a result of
new initiatives on the Accra Plains and the Savannah zone, under a new World Bank facility on
commercial agriculture development. This will allow for all year round farming and will enhance
Ghana’s food security.
Hydroelectric power and irrigation development will receive further boost in the Sissilli-Kulpawn
project and the Pwalugu Multi-purpose dam in the Upper East region. These two projects are
expected to bring some 80,000 hectares of land under irrigation in the Northern belt.
A more coherent focus on fisheries and aquaculture development has been initiated, with the
designation of a new Ministry for Fisheries and Aquaculture Development and the imminent
establishment of a college of Fisheries planned for Anomabo as a department of the University of
Cape Coast.
Mr. speaker, our focus is to work towards achieving sustainable production of the historic one
million tonnes of cocoa. The key measures we have identified to accomplish this are the
continued payment of at least 70% of the world market price of cocoa to farmers, the distribution
of 20 million hybrid cocoa seedlings free of charge over the next several years. Additionally we
will also pursue the continued application of the hi-tech system to increase yield per hectare. We
are also reviewing the current distribution system of subsidized inputs to ensure that these reach
the farmers directly.
We will marshal the collective effort of all stakeholders to facilitate the emergence and growth of 12
a strong manufacturing sector:-
1. By reviewing the tax structure to reduce taxes paid by Ghanaian manufacturers to
increase their competitiveness in the national and world market.
2. Facilitate the establishment of an industrial development fund to provide a ready
resource envelope for ailing and struggling manufacturing industries in Ghana.
3. Provide service plots within dedicated industrial zones to be developed in Sekondi
Takoradi, Tema, Kumasi and Tamale to support the local manufacturing companies to
add value to local products for a strong and viable domestic manufacturing sector.
Mr. Speaker, work is ongoing on a $1.2 billion ammonia-urea based fertilizer processing plant with
an annual capacity of one million tons in Nyankrom in the Shama District of the Western Region.
This is an initiative between the Ghana and Indian Governments with a potential for boosting
trade, jobs creation, and increased agricultural productivity.
Mr. Speaker, our government is committed to using Tourism as an instrument for the full
realization of the economic potential of our culture and creative arts. In this respect:
• The newly aligned Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Creative Arts will facilitate the
interface between government, implementing bodies in tourism, culture and the creative
industries as well as international and civil society partners.
• The National Commission on Culture is being restructured as the government’s lead
implementing and advisory body on Culture and Creative Arts; and the Ghana Tourism
Authority will be similarly transformed.
• Government will allocate funds to the sector and mainstream the creative arts industry as
an integral part of the Ghanaian private sector.
Mr. Speaker, all Ghanaians deserve to live in a country with improved infrastructure, which is
inextricably linked to enhancing the quality of life.
The viability of private sector investments hinges on a robust and functional infrastructure of
roads, rail, sufficient and efficient energy, stable water supply and a seamless communications
and ICT infrastructure.
Mr. Speaker, government will use information technology to support infrastructure
development, urban renewal, land use management and environmental protection.
Mr. Speaker, Ghana was listed by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as one of the
top ten most dynamic performing countries in ICT-for-development in 2011. Indeed, telephone
subscription in Ghana reached close to 26million as of December 2012, representing more than
double the number as of December 2008.
Government will continue with the positive outlook and promote the rapid development of
broadband infrastructure to reach all parts of the country to ensure that the improved
connectivity provides better access to health care and health information, opportunities for 13
education and training, transportation, protection of environment and management of natural
resources, and to support E-govt to create transparency in government.
In pursuit of this, the work on the Eastern Corridor Rural Fibre Optic backbone network project
will be accelerated to add 584 kilometres of optic fibre stretching from Ho to Bawku and linking
70 towns enroute to improve the quality of communications services.
With the ICT sector expanding at such a rapid rate, attention will be focused on measures to
protect the privacy of the individual and personal data. We will also develop strategies to counter
the growing threats of cyber attacks and other online security concerns and accelerate
preparations towards migration from Analogue to Digital Television Transmission. The Better
Ghana ICT Project will be given a major boost this year. We shall commence the distribution of
Four Hundred Thousand (400,000) laptop computers to schools and students.
I have clear plans for the roads and transport sector, which we will start implementing this year.
These include the introduction of public-private partnership models on commercially viable
routes along the Western, Eastern and Central Corridor roads.
Work is soon commencing on the Northern segment of the Eastern Corridor road, stretching
from Oti Damanko to Nakpanduri.
This year we expect to bring to a significant point of completion many of the ongoing road
projects including the Kpando- Worawora- Dambai, Asankragwa- Enchi, Navrongo- Tumu and the
Achimota- Ofankor, Madina- Pantang, Nsawam- Suhum-Apedwa, La- Teshie, Dansoman and the
Apaaso- Kintampo roads.
Others are the Sefwi Bekwai- Eshiem- Asankragwa, Bomfa Junction- Asiwa- Bekwai, Tetteh
Quarshie-Madina and the Berekum- Sampa roads.
We will embark on a regional roads improvement programme that will see significant upgrades in
critical road infrastructure in the major agricultural regions and here I make special mention of
the Western Region.
Our trunk roads development programmes are also progressing steadily across the country.
COCOBOD is funding the reshaping, spot improvements and upgrading of gravel roads to
bituminous surfaces in cocoa, coffee and sheanut producing areas.
In the course of this year, and under the policy on public private partnerships, feasibility studies
will commence on the dualization of the Accra- Cape Coast- Takoradi road, and the rehabilitation
and expansion of the Accra- Tema motorway. New interchanges are also planned for the Tema
end of the motorway and the Kasoa-Bawjiase intersection.
Work will commence this year too on a new interchange at the Kwame Nkrumah Circle. It is also
my hope that the project for the PPP in respect of the multi-carriage Accra-Kumasi Highway will
be approved by Parliament for work to commence this year.
Mr. Speaker, the Government’s plan to revamp and modernize the railway sector is ongoing.
There has been tremendous work in this sector and I recall my meeting with the railway workers
at the ‘Bottom Tree’ in Sekondi. I can confidently say to them today, that as we continue with our
railway sector development programme there will be significant signs of improvement within the
next three years.
Government believes the private sector has a role to play in the on-going modernization of the
rail sector, an example being the rehabilitation of the Accra-Tema, Kumasi-Ejisu, the AccraNsawam and Takoradi-Kojokrom rail networks.
Mr. Speaker, as they say in Oseikrom, the Kumasi airport is now busier than Kejetia lorrypark.
That description is a reflection of the brisk business at our airports. Available data shows that
passenger traffic through our International Airport has more than quadrupled in the last 3 years.
Domestic passenger traffic on the other hand has increased ten-fold.
This remarkable progress is putting immense strain on our airport infrastructure, which we
continue to expand. As a matter of priority Government has commissioned the immediate
exploration of plans for the construction of a new international airport in Accra, and
complementary expansion of the airports in Kumasi, Tamale, Sunyani and Takoradi. Feasibility
studies for the construction of Aerodromes in Ho, Cape Coast, Koforidua, Bolgatanga, would be
undertaken this year. We will commence a feasibility study on the establishment of a new
national airline in collaboration with the private sector under a PPP arrangement.
Mr. Speaker, as we continue to expand the infrastructure at the Tema and Takoradi ports, we are
also focused on the construction of a modern deep seaport in Takoradi. I have directed the
Ministers of Transport and Finance to undertake an investigation of unauthorized fees and
charges at our airport and ports which are putting which are putting unbearable hardship on our
Mr. Speaker, one of the areas that I am passionate about is the concept of urban renewal. I
believe that one of the most basic human rights we must guarantee every Ghanaian is the right to
a safe, secure and accessible place of convenience. The pollution of our environment and
especially our beachfronts is depressing.
Government will in the next three years work with all stakeholders to ensure that the National
Housing Policy document is not only finalized and approved by both Cabinet and Parliament; but
also, work feverishly to ensure that relevant legislation is put in place to provide the necessary
foundation as well as legal framework for implementation.
Government will this year initiate a pilot scheme to combine social housing with improved
sanitation and water supply. This will particularly concentrate on the dense urban slums where
the phenomenon of safe sanitation and waste disposal are very weak.
We will be working to consolidate the various strategies being implemented to bridge the huge
housing deficit. These strategies, which are in themselves opportunities for public-private
partnership arrangements, will include the construction of low cost units for lower income
groups, rural and social housing for the very poor and mortgage facilities for those who can
afford. 15
Mr. Speaker, I am deeply concerned about how the challenges in the housing sector, have led to
exorbitant rents that do not only violate our rent law but also suffocate the average Ghanaian. I
will work hard to address this challenge.
Mr. Speaker, water supply is currently precarious in some communities including significant parts
of Accra. This is in spite of the several efforts we have been making to improve the supply of
good drinking water, especially to Ghanaians.
It is worth noting however that these efforts are beginning to yield some results. The situation
however requires massive investment in new water delivery infrastructure and timely
maintenance like the ongoing works at the Kpong headworks. In the medium to long term, we
will seek to devolve authority from centralized urban water management systems to a more
decentralized management for efficiency and cost effective delivery.
Mr. Speaker, a multi-agency sanitation task force was set-up to coordinate a nation-wide cleanup exercise from September to December 2012. This sanitation management effort has helped to
address part of the waste disposal problem.
The Task Force experience is now being reviewed in order to engage all the stakeholders,
including the District Assemblies, in a more sustained and concerted effort to rid our country of
the unsightly rubbish heaps that are threatening the health of our communities.
Mr. Speaker, my focus is on waste and sanitation management systems not just waste collection
and disposal. The emphasis will also be on waste recovery and recycling as well as providing
incentives to increase private sector participation in the hygiene, sanitation and pollution control
The start of the CONTI project in Accra financed by the US EXIM will see significant improvement
in flood control and solid and liquid waste management in the capital city.
Mr. Speaker, our mining sector needs substantial reform to ensure that we move towards
economically and socially sustainable mining. The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources has
been tasked to ensure that mining in Ghana is undertaken responsibly and meets community
needs and expectations.
Mr. Speaker, mining must create employment that matches its type, provides fair economic
returns to the community and protects the environment.
As I recently announced, Government will rigidly enforce the laws of Ghana by addressing the
illegal invasion of foreigners in our small-scale mining sector. This problem has been fully
investigated and we have concluded that there is an unacceptable collusion between some
Ghanaians and these foreigners to circumvent our laws.
Mr. Speaker, a series of decisive measures are underway to purge the system and better regulate
small-scale mining, in order to create and sustain employment, for Ghanaians, primarily.
Mr. Speaker, millions of Ghanaians and businesses are today experiencing very erratic and
frustrating electricity supply. It is a situation that I am deeply concerned about, and to which I
have devoted considerable energy to solving. This is especially because compounding the 16
problem of unstable power supply is an equally worrying issue of unreliable water supply to some
The current developments do not reflect the investments and progress we have been making in
the area of electricity generation. What should be our successes and rather augment available
generation capacity has unfortunately been undermined by a number of unforeseen
We had made good progress in fixing the damage done to the West African Gas Pipeline
Company (WAPCO) only to experience a drawback, when nearly 600 kilometres of the pipeline
was inundated with seawater.
Mr. Speaker, in a frantic effort to pump the seawater out, two of our most experienced
engineers lost their lives tragically in an underwater explosion. Permit me to use this occasion to
send my deepest condolences to the bereaved families.
The repercussions of the incapacitated gas pipeline has brought near total darkness to our
neighbours in Togo and Benin, and led to the loss of over 250 MW of electricity supply to Ghana.
Mr. Speaker, work on the WAGPI is now planned for completion in April 2013.
As President I am adequately aware of the challenges and the extreme discomfort that this is
causing to the generality of our people and businesses. This situation causes me sleepless nights.
We have had to work round the clock to bring many plants into operation earlier than scheduled
while we await the restoration of the plants affected by the absence of gas from the WAPCO.
We are expecting the addition of over 500 MW of installed generation capacity this year. This
132 MW from the Takoradi 3 Thermal Plant by end of February
130 MW from the Bui Hydroelectric Power Project by end of April and increased to 400MW by
end of September
2 MW from a Solar Park at Navrongo by end of February
With the addition of Takoradi 3 this month, and the first power from Bui in April, our current
deficit of about 200 MW at peak, should be sufficiently ameliorated. While this will give us
comfort from the current unpleasant load shedding, the system will still be fragile with a slim
margin of redundancy. Restoration of the WAGPI and Asogli coming back on stream will give us a
better margin of comfort.
Work has also started on a 161 kV Tumu-Han-Wa transmission line in the Upper West Region.
Other projects are the Kpando-Kadjebi Transmission Project, a new 330KV transmission line from
Aboadze–Prestea-Kumasi- Tamale- Bolgatanga among others.
Mr. Speaker, Government’s overall objective for the energy sector is to ensure reliable, stable
and progressively cheap power for economic development in the country and the wider West
African region.
Ultimately developing and bringing on stream our own gas potential will guarantee affordable
power to support the acceleration in growth of our economy. Gas from our Western field
provides us with enough flexibilities and cost-efficient ways of additional power generation. This
project will receive my personal attention. Work is progressing steadily on the Gas Infrastructure 17
Project at Atuabo in the Elemebelle district of the Western Region. When completed by the end
of this year, it will put us on track to achieve the planned expansion of 5,000 MW capacity of
power generation by 2016.
Government will continue during the year, to support the utility companies to carry out
distribution system improvement projects and increase electricity access to all parts of the
country under the ‘Energy for All’ programme to ensure universal access by 2016.
Mr. Speaker, we are progressing steadily in the area of renewable energy, by installing Solar
systems for remote Public Institutions and Community Lighting in off-grid communities. In
addition, Government will implement pilot mini-grid electrification for lakeside and island
The private sector has shown considerable interest in investing in the renewable energy sector.
Government will ensure that the feed-in-tariff is published to encourage these private investors
Mr. Speaker, we will commence the distribution of over twenty thousand solar lanterns to
replace kerosene lanterns and reduce indoor air pollution in remote rural homes. This
intervention forms part of government’s efforts to protect the vulnerable in our society and to
ensure that they have alternative and affordable sources of energy.
Mr. Speaker, the GNPC through joint ventures continue to explore the hydrocarbon potential of
our sedimentary basins.
As part of measures to promote local content and participation in the petroleum industry, an
Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) with support from the Jubilee Partners will be fully
operational this year.
The centre will be located in the Western Region to facilitate the training of Small and Medium
Enterprises (SMEs) to be properly positioned to take advantage of the oil and gas industry.
We will proceed with local content legislation to ensure Ghanaian participation in this blessing of
nature God has bestowed on us. We will implement local content in a manner that is a win-win
for Ghana and our foreign partners in Ghana’s growing oil and gas industry.
Mr. Speaker, this year we will start a restructuring of TOR to restore it to its former glory as the
most efficient refinery on the west coast of Africa. We will carry this out with strategic partners
who are willing to invest in a PPP with the Government of Ghana.
The Bulk Oil Storage Company (BOST) will be reorganized to play its role in strategic storage and
distribution of petroleum products.
Mr. Speaker, security for oil and gas continues to be a major priority. The Navy, Airforce and
Army have been retooled to establish a safe and secure corridor for our oil and gas installations.
We will continue to provide security for both onshore and offshore oil and gas infrastructure
against disruptive threats and theft while putting in place anti-piracy infrastructure. The
completion of the Vessel Tracking and Monitoring System being installed by the Ghana Maritime
Authority will allow us to use radar to identify unauthorized vessels that enter our territorial
We will place emphasis on integrating community groups into protection arrangements thereby
supporting employment growth even as we undertake a comprehensive assessment of risks to
our maritime assets including downstream and onshore facilities such as pipelines.
Mr. Speaker, Ghana continues to exhibit strong leadership in democratic governance, which
makes us the envy of many nations. As noted earlier, we have just come out of an historic
election which witnessed progressive reforms including the use of a biometric voters register and
biometric verification for voting which has been acclaimed by both domestic and international
observers as free, fair and transparent.
Government will continue to support the Electoral Commission by providing it with the needed
resources to carry out its programmes and reforms.
The independence of the judiciary would be upheld and we would work to improve conditions of
work of the judiciary. We will work with the Judicial Council to continue the process of providing
new and more modern court rooms and provide the instruments and equipment to facilitate the
work of the judges.
Mr. Speaker, Government will continue to partner with community-based organisations and civil
society especially in the areas of public service reform and delivery.
In pursuing this objective, the Government of Ghana will develop mechanisms for promoting
citizen-based monitoring and evaluation of public policies and programs, as well as providing
feedback and suggestions on ways of improving the targeting of social and economic
development programmes. Civil society will continue to have limitless space to participate in our
governance system. It is healthy and allows growth of democratic governance.
Mr. Speaker, We will guarantee freedom of worship as enshrined in our constitution and
continue to promote peaceful coexistence of all religions in our country. It is expected that the
umbrella religious organizations will in turn implement self-regulation to curb the excesses of
some of their members who give the clergy a bad name.
Mr. Speaker, the role of traditional institutions, will be strengthened to promote accountable
governance. Working with the National House of Chiefs, the Ministry of Chieftaincy and
Traditional Affairs has been re-aligned to provide more vigorous interface between chieftaincy
and tradition. We will progressively improve the allowances given to Paramount chiefs and
Queenmothers to facilitate the execution of their traditional duties.
Mr. Speaker, a strong parliament is a strong democracy. Strengthening Parliament is also a
crucial element in managing a successful transition to middle-income status. This includes
ensuring that Parliament has the capacity to play its oversight role effectively.
Mr. Speaker, the ‘Job 600’ project, which will ensure that Members of Parliament can operate
from descent offices, is almost complete. MPs can expect to be furnished with laptops with full 19
Internet connectivity to facilitate communication between their offices and constituents as
promised in the NDC manifesto.
In my first term, we will seek to strengthen Parliament by:
– Establishing the Democracy Fund proposed by the Constitution Review Commission
(CRC) to provide sustainable funding for Parliament, Independent Governance
Institutions and other pro-democracy governance bodies.
– Strengthening the Committees of Parliament by ensuring that the Chairpersons and
Ranking Members of Parliament are accorded recognition consistent with their status
and responsibilities as recommended by the CRC.
– Commence a feasibility study for the construction of a new Parliamentary Chamber block
on the premises of the state house.
– We will also explore appropriate housing for MPs in order to gurantee their safety and
Mr. Speaker, effective decentralization in governance and decision-making starts with the
Presidency. I have therefore instructed the Cabinet office to ensure that Cabinet meetings rotate
between Accra and the Regional capitals. By this, millions of our citizens outside Accra will have
the opportunity each month to witness and participate in the process of decision-making directly.
Mr. Speaker, during my first term as President, every effort will be made to ensure that some of
the far-reaching proposals emanating from the CRC’s report on decentralization such as the
election of Chief Executives at the local level is given the needed impetus. We will mainstream
the concept of Local Economic Development (LED) to facilitate, develop and implement
employment creation programmes based on the natural resource endowments and the
comparative advantages of every district.
We will continue to strengthen our decentralized local governance system by implementing the
programme to establish the remaining seven decentralized Departments of the District
Assemblies and identifying new Departments for decentralization whose capacities are needed
by the District Assemblies such as the Departments of Women and of Children and the Statistical
We will also commence a phased programme for the provision of administrative, economic and
social infrastructure for the 106 new districts created in 2003, 2007 and 2012 and extend the
composite budget system to cover the 46 new District Assemblies established in 2012.
Mr. Speaker, the Broadcasting Bill has been on the drawing board for a long time. We must
hasten to pass the Bill so that national standards for the electronic media can be established.
The newly established Media Development Fund aimed at improving capacity within the media
will be operationalized this year.20
We shall also support the National Media Commission to enact the needed Regulations that will
establish an organizational framework and standards to ensure balance, fairness, access,
opportunity and objectivity in the media.
Access to the establishment of Community radio will be improved to allow millions more to
benefit from the unique attributes of this medium.
Mr. Speaker, a major governance issue for the year will be the implementation of the
recommendations of the Constitutional Review Commission. For this purpose, an
Implementation Committee has been established to be responsible for all aspects of the
programme leading to the enactment of constitutional amendments. Subsequent to the
constitutional amendments, which the CRC Implementation Committee is currently working on,
we will proceed to transform the Legal Aid Board into an independent constitutional body,
implement the recommendation for CHRAJ’s decisions to be made directly enforceable, and
introduce the recommended weekend and small claims courts.
Mr. Speaker, we are proposing to revise the Criminal Offences Act to redefine corruption to
include the more expansive definition covered in the UN Convention Against Corruption and the
AU Convention on Preventing and Combating Corruption. We will give impetus to the fight
against corruption by strengthening the anti-corruption agencies and sanctioning culpable
persons to serve as a deterrent to others. The work of the Sole Commissioner into judgement
debts will help us bring to order an unacceptable phenomenon that has become a huge charge
on the public debt. We would push for critical reforms in the AGs department. I will implement
the Freedom of Information Act as soon as it is passed by Parliament.
Our commitment to the fight against corruption remains unshakeable. We would streamline and
root out the rot that has become associated with the alienation of public lands.
Mr. Speaker, I am firmly committed in ensuring that Ghana is absolutely insulated from the illicit
drug trade.
To this end; we will pursue the programme for the legislative conversion of the Narcotics Control
Board (NACOB) into an autonomous Commission.
We will also continue to strengthen the inter-agency coordination mechanism involving NACOB,
the Customs Division of the Ghana Revenue Authority, the Police, BNI, the Food and Drugs Board,
Aviation Security and the Immigration Service and ensure increased international cooperation
especially for surveillance.
We shall maintain a zero tolerance for drug trafficking and I request all officials engaged in
tackling this menace to maintain a high sense of integrity in order to win this battle.
Mr. Speaker, the security and safety of all citizens will be a priority. We have been making
modest gains as crime statistics show that the incidence of crime is on the decline. This
notwithstanding, we will continue to resource and adequately equip the security services to
ensure that no Ghanaian feels unsafe in their lawful pursuits.21
A worrying trend in our crime indices is increasing cases of rape and defilement. In many cases
families, religious leaders, traditional rulers and sometimes public officials intervene to cover up
and resolve these cases at home. I wish to emphasise that rape and defilement are criminal and
must be handled by the criminal justice system. We must bring to book paedophiles and rapist
who prey on our women and rob them of their dignity. I am instructing the IGP, DOVVSU, GCSP to
work together to ensure that all of such cases are brought to justice.
Mr. Speaker, we will continue to provide critical support capable of augmenting the
developmental service mix of our armed forces while providing adequate security for our
citizens. This strategy involves:
1. Enhancing the health and logistical infrastructure that enables the security agencies to
lead rescue and support missions, step in when we have major disruptions in basic
services – water, health, sanitation, floods and natural disasters and also perform their
traditional world-acclaimed peacekeeping and development role in post-conflict
2. Undertake a comprehensive Security Services Health Sector Initiative that will improve
basic, primary and referral health facilities within the security services and also make
those facilities available for use by the general public. In this regard we will build a second
military hospital in Kumasi and upgrade the medical stations in the various barracks.
3. Address the critical office and residential accommodation problems facing the military
and the Police, Prisons, Fire and Immigration Services as well as NADMO.
Mr. Speaker, in collaboration with the National Peace Council, the UNDP, The Otumfuor
Committee and other stakeholders, I intend to begin a new round of bringing to closure some of
the protracted chieftaincy conflicts in the north. I call for the cooperation of all my compatriots in
these areas to give peace a chance. We can only succeed in turning around the fortunes of the 3
Northern regions if we have an atmosphere of peace and security.
Mr. Speaker, Ghana’s foreign policy of positive neutrality will remain our focus with emphasis on
economic diplomacy hinged on our national interest. Ultimately, our foreign policy will deliver
good neighbourliness, peace at home and abroad and economic wellbeing by strategic
Mr. Speaker, our commitment to peace and security in the West African Region is paramount in
our foreign policy considerations. We have recently joined with ECOWAS in seeking a permanent
peaceful resolution of the conflict in Mali, by contributing a modest detachment of our armed
forces to participate in the African-led force operating in Mali, AFISMA.
As the actual armed conflict is abating, Ghana stands ready to use our rich mediation experience,
to assist Mali return to stable, representative democracy, just as we have done in time past in
helping bring peace to Liberia, Sierra Leone and Cote d’Ivoire.
As a commitment to peace and stability in the region, I have pledged at the Africa Union and the
United Nations, that Ghana will not serve as a haven to destabilize any of our neighbors. I wish
once again to assure any refugees on our territory that they are welcome guests as long as they
do not use Ghana as a base to destabilize the Governments in their home countries.22
Under my Presidency, Ghanaians and the international community can trust that Ghana will
uphold all its commitments to the UN, the AU, the Commonwealth, ECOWAS and other
international organisations to which we belong.
Ghana will continue to take all necessary measures, in cooperation with relevant international
agencies, to fight against international terrorism, money laundering, narcotics and human
Mr. Speaker, the financial framework within which the programs and policies discusses in this
address will be executed will be outlined when the Minister of Finance in the coming weeks,
presents the Budget and Financial Statement of Government to this house.
Mr. Speaker, fifty years ago our nation’s founder and the first President of the Republic Osagyefo
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah urged Ghanaians to remember that the eyes of the world are upon us in
whatever we do. These profound words have as much meaning today as they were five decades
ago. It is a challenge to us to work together to bring honour to our country and its people.
I reaffirm my commitment to uniting Ghanaians as one people. We are a nation of diverse
cultures and religious beliefs; there is a tremendous amount of beauty in our diversity. While we
celebrate our diversity, let us explore what unites us instead of focusing on the things that divide
Let us build trust — remembering always that civility, humility and discipline are signs of a strong
national character. Real change is when everyone pulls together, works together, when we all
exercise our responsibilities to country, our local communities and our families.
Let me state to this august House
1. That I shall work to ensure that every household in this country will soon enjoy
uninterrupted water and power supply;
2. That our young minds desirous of opportunities for basic and secondary education shall
have the space in our schools and shall have quality, affordable education that will
improve their career and life expectations;
3. That our mothers shall live longer and healthier as they perform the God-given function
of child-birth;
4. That our inner cities shall witness significant renewal in sanitation and housing
5. That the economic opportunities of this country will be open to all our citizens
irrespective of gender, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.
6. That our governance systems shall deliver the services and opportunities we promise to
the citizens of Ghana; and
7. That our citizens will assume their right to demand accountability for these services and
rights and that our roads infrastructure is not only expanded but also made safer for our
Mr. Speaker, we are determined to deliver on the development goals, which I have outlined. We
have objectives to meet and the expectations of our people to fulfill; our people expect to see
results, whether it is in the delivery of water, electricity, healthcare or sanitation services. We 23
must not overlook the little things that matter to our people even as we stress on responsible
citizenship as an important factor in nation-building.
Political office holders including Ministers of State, Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief
Executives, CEOs of public institutions and middle and lower management personnel will be
required to exhibit a high sense of responsibility and diligently execute their mandate to meet
the needs of the ordinary Ghanaian. It must not be business-as-usual.

Mr. Speaker, we may be confronted with many challenges as a nation but our collective resolve is
far greater than those challenges.
Mr. Speaker, as I said on that eventful day of my inauguration, “change does not happen
overnight and sometimes, despite whatever progress has been placed in motion, it will appear to
be darkest before the dawn of the new day makes that progress visible. In such times I will be
counting on you to maintain the faith and the trust that you have placed in me as President. I will
not let you down.”
Our momentary difficulties must only serve in strengthening this collective resolve towards a
future of limitless possibilities.
Despair is not an option and we shall not make excuses.
I know I lead a nation of great people who have it within us to establish that fair and just society
of opportunities for all to which I dedicate my entire efforts.
Mr. Speaker, the future is here; the future is ours; the youth, women and men, and especially the
children of our motherland, Ghana, expect noticeable improvement in their lives.
In all this we acknowledge our abundant faith in God and his bountiful mercies on our nation.
God’s divine favour is on Ghana. We have no cause to fear. With God in our boat we smile at the
I know we will not fail our country and I know the Good Lord will not fail us either.
God bless Ghana.
Thank you.

ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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