PHOTOS: Veep donates Mercedes Benz bus to Ntotrosu College of Nursing

792910137_580989Vice President Kwesi Amissah-Arthur has called on the chiefs and people of the Ntotrosu Traditional Area to vote massively for the NDC in Dec 7th for continuity and development.

He made the remarks when he donated a 52 seater Mercedes Benz from the GETFUND to the Ntotrosu College of Nursing at Asutifi North in the Brong Ahafo Region.

He further stated that government values all forms of education, especially health and secondary education and for this reason, would continue to invest in those areas in order to support the development and progress of the county.

Mr Amissah -Arthur further stated that in order to continue with more development project, government would continue to mobilize and continue with more projects.

But this, he said would be realized when government is allowed to get another mandate to continue with it good works.

The Vice President used the occasion to laud the chiefs and people of the area for using it resources in investing in the education of the youth.

Mr. Amissah-Arthur said if you support yourself like what the people of Ntotrosu have done; government would partner and compliment their efforts through development drive.

On his part the Paramount Chief of the Ntotrosu Barima Twereku Ampem III thanked the NDC government for the numerous development projects that he has witnessed under his reign. He said the area has witnessed massive development from road infrastructure to water and health sector.

He described the NDC as a government that fulfills its pledges as he has witnessed in his area.

He said it was his wish and prayer that the NDC wins the upcoming elections in order to continue with it development agenda. He used the occasion to call for peaceful elections in the country.

By: Maxwell Okamafo Addo/

ABOUT: Nana Kwesi Coomson

[email protected]

An Entrepreneur, Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Communications Executive and Philanthropist. Editor-in-Chief of A Senior Journalist with Ghanaian Chronicle Newspaper. An alumnus of Adisadel College where he read General Arts. His first degree is in Bachelor of Arts - Political Science (major) and History (minor) from the University of Ghana. He holds MSc in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Energy with Public Relations (PR) from the Robert Gordon University in the United Kingdom. He is a 2018 Mandela Washington Fellow who studied at Clark Atlanta University in USA on the Business and Entrepreneurship track.

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