If you want evidence, go to the forest – Frimpong-Boateng to AG
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Former Environment Minister, Prof. Kwabena Frimpong-Boateng, has responded to the Attorney General’s Office’s statement for “hard evidence” in relation to the allegations in his report on illegal mining activities in the country. The AG’s office, last week indicated that the … Read more →

Investigate ownership of Cecilia Dapaah’s stolen cash- AG to Police
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The Attorney-General, Godfred Yeboah Dame has tasked the Criminal Investigation Department of the Ghana Police Service to investigate the ownership of the US$200,000 and €300,000 stolen from the home of the Former Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources, Cecilia Abena … Read more →

AG yet to see Tadi girls’ DNA docket
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The Office of the Attorney General is yet to receive the docket on the full findings regarding the four Takoradi girls’ kidnapping case, including the DNA result, to enable it to give official advice. The two Nigerian suspects in the … Read more →

$39m Dubai JD: Write for help – AG to NAM 1
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The Attorney-General’s Office has advised the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Menzgold, Nana Appiah Mensah, to officially write to seek assistance to claim a $39 million judgment allegedly awarded his company in Dubai. Similarly, lawyer for some of the affected … Read more →

AG supports Law School probe
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The Attorney General (AG) and Minister of Justice, Gloria Akuffo, has agreed to calls for investigation into the reported mass failure of students of the Ghana School Law. “Let us investigate what is the real cause of this large numbers. … Read more →

Killed GSTS Student docket sent to AG
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The case involving the final-year student of Ghana Secondary Technical School (GSTS), Lawrence Joe Baidoo, who was allegedly killed by a police officer at Nyankrom in the Shama District of the Western Region, was adjourned yesterday to March 12, 2018. Yesterday’s … Read more →

Occupy Ghana petitions AG over blacklisted names by births and deaths
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Pressure Group, Occupy Ghana, has written to the Attorney General, Gloria Akuffo, to complain about the blacklisting of certain names such as Nana, Nii, Junior, among others from being registered by the Births & Deaths Registry. Occupy Ghana in the letter … Read more →

Where’s Woyome’s refund? ‘AG must resign’
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Minister of Justice and Attorney General, Mrs. Marietta Brew-Appiah Oppong, has been asked to resign. Her offence? Failing to provide progress report to Ghanaians, as far as retrieving monies illicitly paid to Alfred Woyome as stated by the Supreme Court. … Read more →

Transport Minister, AG sued over GHC3.6m bus branding
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Some private citizens have filed a suit against Transport Minister, Dzifa Attivor and Attorney General, Marrieta Brew Appiah-Oppong at the High Court over the controversial 3.6 million Ghana cedis bus branding contract. They are praying the court to issue “An … Read more →

AG, CJ dragged to Supreme Court
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A private legal practitioner has dragged the Attorney General and the Chief Justice (CJ) to the Supreme Court over the increment of Court fees which he describes as “astronomical” in the country. Mr. Mathias Kwasi Yakah. a Tema based lawyer … Read more →


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