Biden blames jet lag and travel for poor debate performance
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President Joe Biden has blamed his poor debate performance last week on jet lag, telling reporters that he “wasn’t very smart” for “travelling around the world a couple of times” before the debate. “I didn’t listen to my staff… and … Read more →

Biden to give legal status to 500,000 undocumented spouses
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President Joe Biden is set to announce a new policy that would protect hundreds of thousands of undocumented spouses of US citizens from deportation, according to administration officials. The issue of immigration has proven an election-year headache for Mr Biden, … Read more →

Biden approves new section of border wall as Mexico crossings rise
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US President Joe Biden’s administration is to build a section of border wall in southern Texas in an effort to stop rising levels of immigration. Around 20 miles (32km) will be built in Starr County along its border with Mexico, … Read more →

Trump calls Biden ‘enemy of the state’ over FBI raid
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Donald Trump has called President Joe Biden an “enemy of the state” at his first rally since the FBI searched his Florida resort for sensitive files. Speaking to thousands of supporters in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, the ex-president accused Mr Biden of … Read more →

Quad Summit: World faces ‘dark hour’ with Ukraine war – Biden
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The world is “navigating a dark hour in our shared history” with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, US President Joe Biden told key Asian allies. The war has now become a “global issue” underscoring the importance of defending international order, he … Read more →

Ukraine conflict: Biden brands Putin a ‘war criminal’
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US President Joe Biden has labelled Russian leader Vladimir Putin a “war criminal” in a move likely to escalate diplomatic tensions even further. Mr Biden delivered the remark off-the-cuff in response to a reporter’s question at the White House. It … Read more →

Biden banned from entering Russia
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Russia says it has put Joe Biden, United States President, Justin Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister and a dozen top US officials on a “stop List” that bars them from entering Russia. Alongside Biden, US officials on the list included Defense … Read more →

Ukraine crisis: Biden and Johnson say still hope for diplomatic agreement
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The US and UK leaders have said not all hope is lost for a diplomatic solution to the Ukraine crisis, but warn that the situation remains fragile. In a 40-minute call, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson agreed a deal was … Read more →

Ukraine crisis: Biden warns Russia may invade next month
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US President Joe Biden has warned there is a “distinct possibility” Russia might invade Ukraine next month, the White House says.  Russia meanwhile says it sees “little ground for optimism” in resolving the crisis after the US rejected Russia’s main … Read more →

Ukraine: US could sanction Putin personally if Russia invades – Biden
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US President Joe Biden says he would consider personal sanctions on Vladimir Putin if Russia invades Ukraine. Mr Biden said there would be “enormous consequences” for the world if Russia made a move on the nation, which sits on its … Read more →


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