President Barack Obama says marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol
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United States President Barack Obama has said smoking marijuana is no more dangerous than alcohol, but still called it a “bad idea”. Speaking to The New Yorker magazine, he said it was wrong to think legalising the drug would be … Read more →

John McCain compares Obama to Hitler for shaking hands with Cuban Prez at Mandela’s Memorial
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John McCain compares Obama to Hitler for shaking hands with Cuban Prez at Mandela’s Memorial John McCain knows about friendly contact with dictators. That’s the best explanation for the Arizona senator’s attack on President Obama Tuesday for shaking hands with Cuban … Read more →

VIDEO: Kanye West warns Obama: Dear President keep my name and Kim’s outta your mouth
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Kanye West is slapping a ban on President Obama … or at least all conversations about him as retaliation for the Prez calling Yeezy a “jackass.” Kanye’s latest rant aired this morning on 107.9 FM in Philly. The hosts asked him about Obama’s … Read more →

Gambian President Warns Obama and Foreign Leaders Over Homosexulaity Stance
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In response to US President Obama’s call on African leaders’ to legalize gay marriage and for that matter homosexuality, Gambian PresidentYahya Jammeh has sent out a strong word of caution to homosexuals and all who promote it, especially leaders of foreign nations. In a recent speech speech the President … Read more →

Obama has called on African governments to give gay people equal rights
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US President Barack Obama has called on African governments to give gay people equal rights by decriminalising homosexual acts.   Mr Obama made the comments in Senegal after meeting President Macky Sall on the first leg of his African tour. … Read more →

Obama to daughters: if you get tattoos, me and mommy will do the same too
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US President Barack Obama has a unique strategy for keeping his daughters from getting tattoos: threatening to get the same design, along with his wife, and turning it into a family YouTube moment. “What we’ve said to the girls is: … Read more →

Jay Z raps about Cuba trip “”Obama said my trip would cost me the White House'”
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President Barack Obama told Jay-Z he was worried the rapper’s controversial trip to Cuba would cost him the White House … this according to Jay-Z. Hova just released a new rap, in which he addresses all of the drama surrounding his trip to … Read more →

Obama Responds To Nicki Minaj’s Endorsement of Mitt Romney & Calling Present Gov’t B*t**
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President Barack Obama responds to Nicki Minaj’s line on Lil Wayne’s “Mercy.” On her verse on Lil Wayne’s “Mercy,” Nicki Minaj


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