7 things you deserve in a relationship
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Throughout our lives we settle for many things. You shouldn’t have to settle for the love you are entitled to have. How do you view your love life? Whatever you put out into the universe, it will mirror back with … Read more →

How to piece a relationship back together after someone cheats
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In a 2011 study, almost one-quarter of men and nearly 20 percent of women admitted to cheating during their current relationships. More than you probably would have estimated, right? Although infidelity is often seen as the ultimate betrayal, the point of no return for … Read more →

7 reasons why you shouldn’t rush your relationship
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When we get in a relationship, it’s very tempting to rush things along. After all, things are so great; they’re only going to get better, right? While there’s some truth to that, there are also many reasons to take things … Read more →

7 things you should never tolerate in a relationship
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There are many things you should never tolerate in a relationship, though many of these things are MUCH easier said than done. We are complex beings and while we may rationally know we should not be with someone for some … Read more →

10 things that change in your relationship after kids
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Many of my friends are getting pregnant these days. Between that and the fact that my third wedding anniversary is coming up, I’ve been thinking about babies a lot lately. As my husband and I discuss the logistics of growing … Read more →

7 temptations you need to resist when in a relationship
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If you want your relationship to have the best #chance at a future, then you need to resist these temptations. Some of them happen in the beginning of a relationship and some of them are for all throughout your relationship. … Read more →

15 ways to rescue a relationship on the rocks
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Every relationship goes through hard times. Many couples learn how to navigate through choppy waters and sail on toward a bright future together. Others, however, hit a rough spot and stay stuck, wondering if they’ve suffered irreparable damage. For dating couples, … Read more →

15 tell tale signs your relationship is over
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As hard as it is, sometimes we just need to accept that a relationship is over and move on. Faiza gives you 15 signs to know when it’s just not working out anymore. Thanks Faiza!   When in love, we … Read more →

Times it’s totally OK to keep secrets in a relationship
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How does that old saying go? “Secrets, secrets are no fun…but sometimes you’ve got to keep them if you don’t want your relationship to self-destruct like a wayward pop starlet”? Maybe that’s not quite right, but it can be necessary … Read more →

8 things guys secretly want you to leave at their place
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1. Your underwear. Everyone knows this move. Granted, you can actually forget your underwear if you’re fleeing our place, never to return again. But you can also plant your underwear somewhere and use it as an excuse to come back … Read more →


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