Why you should stop comparing your relationship with others: 3 tips
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As a bit of a Friends aficionado, a particular episode—“The One With Rachel’s Inadvertent Kiss”—jumps to mind when it comes to comparing your relationship with someone else’s. In the episode, Phoebe reveals that she and her new boyfriend, Gary, get … Read more →

10 reasons he hasn’t asked you out yet
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1. He’s really hoping you’ll make a move first. He might like you a lot, but he’s too shy, introverted, or scared to say anything. Maybe he doesn’t know how. It’s possible (don’t laugh) that he’s never asked a girl … Read more →

Top 4 things single men are looking for in a relationship
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If you’re single and wondering what the hell eligible men are really looking for in a partner, here’s some good news: It’s probably a lot simpler than you think. For National Singles Week (yep, that’s a thing), dug up … Read more →

A happy relationship?: 5 things to look for in a partner
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WHILE you may not have total control over who you fall in love with, you can choose what kind of partner you seek out. You can increase your chances for finding the “right” partner by thinking about partner traits that … Read more →

7 ways travelling can refresh your relationship
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There are moments when you and your partner realize that you need something new in your relationship. You would like to experience new emotions and feelings, which may fire up your love. When you travel together, you share common goals, … Read more →

15 sings your relationship WON’T last
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1. You’re A Lot Smarter Than He Is: Let’s face it, guys can’t handle when a woman knows more than they do, about anything. “And lord knows, an intelligent woman would never waste her time with a guy with pea soup … Read more →

5 best things to do for your relationship
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When it comes to love, relationships can be like cars: constant care and adjustment (instead of pricey and painful visits to the body shop/marriage counselor) are often the best way to improve and strengthen your bond. One of O‘s staffers gets … Read more →

10 Mistakes Women Make in a Relationship
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Relationships can be tough, am I right? You’re trying to compromise, but you don’t want to lose yourself in the bigger picture, so mistakes on both parts are pretty common. Here are the top 10 mistakes women make! 1. Leaching … Read more →

Can Relationship Survive Without Sex?
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Can lack of intimacy be the cause for a break-up and how important is sex actually in a mature, adult relationship? Experts break down sex as a factor in keeping the flames of a relationship burning. Intimacy comes naturally Psychologist Dr Sharita Shah says, … Read more →

20 Things You should Start Doing in Your Relationships
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Family isn’t always blood. They’re the people in your life who appreciate having you in theirs


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